Compare Health Insurance Rates And Quotes From Multiple Companies

Get cheap health insurance rates by easily comparing the best private and Marketplace prices in your area. Review all available plans and search for doctors, hospitals, and covered prescription drugs. You're just minutes away from finding the most affordable medical plans for individuals, families, the self employed, Seniors, and small business owners. The online quotes we provide are free, and our 40 years of unbiased recommendations, expertise and experience ensure you receive the best 2025 prices and you will be able to easily shop and enroll online.

You can always view options from multiple companies in your area 24/7, and many low-cost budget options are offered. Short-term, student, business, and Senior Medigap plans are also available with PPO, HMO,and EPO networks. Non-Obamacare options are offered at all times throughout the year, including inexpensive short-term temporary coverage. Medicare plans are offered for persons age 65 and above, including Supplement, Part D prescription drug, and Advantage options. Senior coverage also covers pre-existing conditions and has a specific Open Enrollment period. Many ancillary benefits are offered, including dental, vision, and hearing.

During Open Enrollment, 2025 subsidized plans are available from top-rated companies along with Medicaid/Chip options, depending on your household income and size. Both before and after Open Enrollment, special exceptions (SEP) are offered if you lose qualified coverage, have a baby, move to a different area, get divorced, or qualify for many other situations. You can also obtain affordable coverage "outside" of the Marketplace, where the number of available network providers (doctors, specialists, hospitals, Urgent-Care, and other facilities) is often larger. Policies are offered for every budget, and with each enrollment, you may keep an existing plan or select a new option.

Note: Newborns can obtain guaranteed coverage at any time of the year, regardless of any existing conditions or pending surgery. A "special life event" allows you to qualify for an SEP. Immunizations and well-visits are covered, along with any type of juvenile sickness or illness. A newborn can also be covered under a parent's Group policy provided by their employer. COBRA, if available, provides coverage for adults and children. Although prices are high, pre-existing conditions are covered and benefits match the coverage you had through the employer. Dental, hearing, and vision benefits can typically be retained.

Senior Medicare Coverage


Senior Medigap contracts from many companies are also easily reviewed. Benefits and price can vary, depending upon age, gender, county of residency, coverage, and plan availability. Although typically prescription drug Part D plans are offered statewide by participating carriers, Supplement and Advantage plan availability can vary in different counties. The Medicare Defined Standard (CMS) model Part D plan has a $590 initial deductible, although many plans waive or reduce the deductible. Drugs are arranged in tiers with copays for retail and home delivery. The cost of coverage can increase every year.


Advantage plans often cost less a Supplement policy, but the provider network must always be considered. Several conditions also must be met to obtain MA plan coverage. These conditions include enrolled in Medicare Parts A and B, Medicare eligible, and reside within the carrier plan's service area. Benefit options are HMO, HMO POS, PPO, PFFS, SNP, and MSA. Medicare medically-necessary services must be included, although copays, coinsurance, and deductibles can vary. There may also be limitations regarding how much can be spent during the year.

Coverage is also offered to persons that are eligible for both Medicaid and Medicare (Dual Plans). Typically dual eligibility results in the majority of your health care expenses being covered. Medicare is the primary carrier and initially pays covered expenses. Supplement and employer group plans pay next. Several states include prescription drug benefits in these types of plans.

We understand that each applicant has different healthcare requirements, largely depending upon what medical conditions (if any) they are being treated for. Since every insurer now underwrites policies according to more consumer-friendly guidelines (non-medical), we shop all of the large reputable companies so you will be matched with the best available offers. Of course, other factors can impact premiums such as where you live, your age, household income, plan availability in your county, and the type of benefits you need.

Also, as later discussed, your income will determine the eligibility and level of federal subsidy you receive to help pay premiums on under-65 health insurance policies. But you will not be denied a policy because of existing conditions, such as diabetes, cancer, rheumatoid arthritis, or heart disease. On the policy effective date, full benefits will begin without a reduction in coverage or waiting period because of an existing condition.

Medigap plans are available when you reach age 65 and are eligible for Medicare. A separate enrollment period is also offered from October 15th through December 7th, with Supplement, Advantage, and Part D drug prescription plans offered. You can coordinate your standard benefits with a supplemental plan that will pay many out-of-pocket expenses, and perhaps include dental, vision, and hearing coverage. Plan G (HD) Supplement plans are typically the lest expensive MedSup option. The 2025 yearly deductible is $2,870, with 100% coverage thereafter. The Affordable Care Act and future Administration legislative changes generally do not greatly impact Medigap retiree options. However, Medicaid benefits, CHIP, and plans for persons under age 65 are typically affected.

Good Or Bad Health

If you are not in perfect health, or have conditions that require treatment and/or medications, low-cost plans may still be offered. Under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) legislation, your pre-existing conditions are covered, and do not impact the premium you pay or the benefits you receive. Marketplace plans are also eligible for an instant federal subsidy that can pay a substantial portion of your policy costs, and possibly the entire premium. Silver-tier plans feature "cost-sharing," which can substantially reduce out-of-pocket costs, including deductibles, coinsurance, and copays. Cost-sharing reductions (CSR) are offered to households with income up to 250% of the federal poverty limit. These amounts are not considered credits and do not have to be reconciled at the end of the year.

You may also find several plans that have a $0 net premium after the instant tax credit has been applied. The subsidy is based on your projected income for the upcoming year, and not your earnings from previous years. It is not taxable, and you can adjust the level, depending on current household income projections. If you become eligible for Medicare or Medicaid, the federal subsidy that other family members receive may be impacted. Adjustments can be made throughout the year to remain compliant.

Note: Senior Medicare Supplement plans are standardized, and are not eligible for the same federal aid that applicants under age 65 receive. Advantage plans offer consumers the opportunity to replace standard Medicare benefits with coverage provided by a private insurer. Often, prices of these plans are low, and several ancillary benefits are included, including dental, vision, and hearing coverage. Fitness Club memberships and several other perks are are also sometimes included. However, a specific network of providers must be utilized, and changing to a standard plan is allowed only during designated times.

Original Medicare plans allow all covered persons to select treatment with the vast majority of providers, including hospitals, specialists, and primary-care physicians. Most Supplement contracts also allow you to utilize any provider. "Medicare Assignment" is typically required for out-of-pocket costs to be paid, meaning that the negotiated prices must be accepted, and medical claims will be processed upon your behalf. Plan G (HD) offers lower premiums (see above), but a $2,870 deductible must be met before most expenses are paid.

Plan G (HD) is offered to applicants that became eligible for Medicare two years ago. Often, persons with no health problems choose this option since premiums are typically less than $60 per month. Although the Part B deductible is not paid, covered benefits include Part A coinsurance and hospital costs, Part B coinsurance, skilled nursing facility coinsurance, and Part A deductible. Insurers will waive out-of-pocket costs for countrywide conditions, such as the Coronavirus.

The more dependents in your household, the higher your financial aid becomes. In some states, the eligibility requirements for Medicaid have expanded, and more children are eligible for free or extremely low premiums. CHIP benefits are very comprehensive and it is possible for parents to qualify for conventional plans while their dependents qualify for Medicaid. Often, the combination of parents having Marketplace coverage, and their children covered through CHIP, creates a very cost-effective combination.

Higher-income households can find cost-saving Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) that allow deposits to pay for qualified medical, dental, and vision expenses. Many of these options are not found on the government healthcare website, since they are not subsidized by the federal government. Once an HSA owner becomes eligible for Medicare, accumulated funds can be used for qualified expenses. However, additional deposits can not be made.

Guarantee Approval Medical Plans

Health Insurance Exchanges


The cost that you pay for coverage may change each year, depending on your renewal premium. The main factors that determine that premium, are where you live, your age, the size of your household, and whether you smoke. States like New York, New Jersey and Connecticut still cost more than Ohio, Indiana, Pennsylvania, and many other states in the Midwest. But several national and smaller regional companies offer policies in most parts of the country. The result has been more affordable and innovative private policy options. Examples of regional companies that offer competitive rates include:
Taro Health -- Maine
Maine Community Health Options -- Maine
Geisinger -- Pennsylvania
QCA Health -- Arkansas
USAble HMO -- Arkansas
Meridian Health Plan -- Michigan
Priority Health -- Michigan
McLaren -- Michigan
Common Ground Healthcare Cooperative -- Wisconsin
Group Health Cooperative of South Central Wisconsin -- Wisconsin
Dean -- Wisconsin
Wisconsin Physicians Service -- Wisconsin
Neighborhood Health Plan Of Rhode Island -- Rhode Island
SummaCare -- Ohio
Denver Health -- Colorado
Rocky Mountain HMO -- Colorado
Montana Health Cooperative -- Montana
Florida Health Care Plan -- Florida
LifeWise Health Plan of Washington -- Washington
Community Health Plan of Washington -- Washington
PacificSource -- Oregon, Idaho, Washington, and Montana
Sanford Health -- South Dakota and North Dakota
Moda -- Alaska, Washington, and Oregon
L.A. Care Health Plan -- California
Chinese Community Health Plan -- California
County Of Santa Clara -- California
Local Initiative Health Authority For Los Angeles County -- California
MVP Health Plan -- Vermont and New York
University Of Utah Health Plans -- Utah
Avera Health Plans -- South Dakota and Iowa
Jefferson Health Plan -- Pennsylvania and New Jersey
ConnectiCare -- Connecticut
Hawaii Medical Service Association -- Hawaii

The Exchanges

Each state utilizes the federal or their own "Exchange," where highly-rated insurers and occasional Co-operatives offer coverage. The number of plan options vary, depending on the state, and the approval time is typically streamlined. We guide you through the entire enrollment process so you easily find affordable medical coverage. Most State Exchanges are federally-run, since it is less expensive, and more government assistance is provided. Also, several state-run Marketplaces (such as Oregon) have resulted in the failure to properly enroll applicants safely and timely. The average cost of health insurance can vary greatly between states, and also counties within the same state.

Many companies are offering 2025 plans, although in several areas, only one company underwrites plans. Typically, Bronze, Silver, and Gold-tier plans are offered. In some areas, however, a carrier will not offer a catastrophic plan or a policy in the Platinum tier. Platinum policies have become very unpopular because of their high cost. They are also ineligible for cost-sharing, and often have high maximum out-of-pocket costs. Healthy applicants typically should not apply for Platinum-tier plans.

You can also purchase policies that are considered "off-Exchange." These plans contain all of the required "essential health benefits" and previously provided an exemption from paying a non-compliance tax. Major companies (Blue Cross Blue Shield, Aetna, UnitedHealthcare, Cigna, Kaiser, Humana and others) frequently offer these policies. Premiums are not eligible for subsidies, although the number of available network providers is generally equal than comparable Exchange contracts. Projected annual rate changes can be viewed at

The enrollment process is also streamlined, and can often be completed in less than 10 minutes. Generally, HMO, PPO, and EPO network options are your provider-network choices. Many companies offer "tiered" networks, which provide lower copays and out-of-pocket expenses if you choose "preferred physicians and specialists. Western Pennsylvania's UPMC, for example, offers "Partner," "Select," and "Premium" options. Most carriers offer coverage in additional states, including nationwide networks. It is prudent to verify that your providers are "in-network" each year.

The Marketplace application is short, but there are many confusing questions, including income and identity verification. Our experience and expert guidance speeds up the process so you can obtain coverage quicker, and avoid the glitches and delays that have impacted many persons. We not only help you find the right policy, but we assist you in the subsidy calculation that reduces your rate. If any family member is eligible for Medicare, Medicaid, CHIP, or any other federal or state program, we will review the specific details.

Seniors that are Medicare-eligible, can review supplemental plans and prescription drug plans (Part D) offered in your area. Advantage (MA) contracts will also offer low-premium options, although the provider network must be considered. MA plans may include dental, vision, and hearing benefits. Many other benefits are including gym and fitness club memberships and discounts.

5-Star Medicare Advantage Plans


Alignment Health Heart And Diabetes
Alignment Health Platinum
Alignment Health smartHMO
Alignment Health NC Duals
Community Blue HMO Medicare Prestige
Community Blue HMO Medicare Signature
HealthSun HealthAdvantage Plan
HealthSun HealthAdvantage Plus
HealthSun MediMax
HealthSun MediSun Extra
HealthSun VitalCare
Leon MediDual
Leon MediExtra
Leon MediMore
Leon MediPlus
Optimum Emerald Full
Optimum Emerald Partial
Optimum Platinum Plan
Optimum Gold Rewards Plan
Optimum Diamond Rewards
Security Blue HMO -- POS ValueRx
Security Blue HMO -- POS Basic
Security Blue HMO POS Standard
Security Blue HMO POS Deluxe
Together Blue Medicare HMO Signature
UnitedHealthcare Care Advantage
UnitedHealthcare Nursing Home Plan


Regarding the previously-mentioned subsidy, it is applied in the form of an instant tax credit. You do not have to file a tax return to get it, and you won't have to copy a form and send it in the mail and wait six weeks either. It's instantaneous and is applied directly during the initial process. If you qualify for a federal subsidy, and subsequently use the credit to pay your premium, IRS Tax Form 8962 (Premium Tax Credit) should be filed to reconcile the amount. For example, if your income was less than originally projected, you will receive a refund for the premium over-payment. Form 1095-A will also be needed. If your household income substantially changes during the year, you can adjust your financial aid accordingly.

The Affordable Care Act legislation previously required you to buy health "qualified" insurance. Since it is no longer mandated, you are not assessed a tax penalty (2.5% of household income) if you don't comply with this "minimum essential coverage mandate". If you are covered through an employer-provided group plan, CHIP, Medicaid, or Medicare, incarcerated, or you are an undocumented immigrant, the penalty did not apply. The elimination of this part of the ACA Legislation has helped temporary 12-month plans become more popular. 24-month short-term options are also available in several states, although they may be expensive than shorter-duration contracts.


Most Affordable US Health Insurance Plans

Listed below are several of the most affordable healthcare plans available to individuals and families. Typically, these policies are not offered in all states.

Aetna Bronze 2 Advanced HSA
Aetna Bronze 1 Advanced
Ambetter Standard Expanded Bronze
Ambetter Everyday Bronze
Ambetter Choice Bronze HSA
AmeriHealth IHC Bronze EPO HSA
AmeriHealth IHC Local Value Simple Saver
AmeriHealth Caritas Next Bronze Essential
Anthem Bronze Pathway X HMO 9200
Anthem Bronze Pathway X HMO 6000
Anthem Bronze Pathway X HMO 7500 Standard
Antidote Catastrophic Standard
Antidote Bronze Complete
Antidote Bronze Elite
AvMed Entrust Expanded Bronze Standard
Banner Aetna Bronze 2 HSA
Banner Aetna Bronze S
BCBS MyBlue Plus Bronze
BCBS MyBlue Plus Bronze Standard
BCBS Blue Home Basic
BCBS Blue Home Bronze Standard
Capital Blue Cross Bronze PPO Choice Select 7100/0/50
Capital Blue Cross Bronze PPO 7450/0/50
CareFirst BlueChoice HMO Bronze $6,100 Virtual Connect
CareFirst BlueChoice HMO HSA Bronze $6,150 Virtual Connect
CareSource Bronze First 7500
Chorus Community Health Plans Chorus Core Bronze
Cigna Connect Bronze CMS Standard
CGHC Bronze $9200
CGHC Bronze Standard $7500
Common Ground Healthcare Cooperative Value 1 Bronze
Fidelis Care Bronze
Friday Health Plans Bronze Basic
Friday Health Plans Bronze Plus
Health Net Bronze 60 HDHP
Highmark Together Blue EPO Bronze 3800
Highmark Together Blue EPO Bronze 6900 HSA
Horizon Advantage EPO Essentials
Imperial Standard Bronze
InStil Health InHealth Basic 1
Jefferson Health Plans Value Bronze
Jefferson Health Plans Total Bronze
Kaiser Signature Bronze 6500/40%/HSA
Kaiser Standard Bronze 7500/50
Kaiser Virtual Complete 5500/1500
Keystone HMO Bronze
L.A. Care Bronze 60 HMO
Medica Bronze Value
Medical Mutual Bronze 8300
Medical Mutual Bronze HSA 7300
Medical Mutual Bronze Standard
Moda Health Affinity Bronze HDHP 7500
Molina Bronze 60 HMO
Molina Bronze 8
Molina Bronze 4
Moda Pioneer Bronze 8500
Neighborhood Health Plan INNOVATION
Oscar Bronze Classic 4700
Oscar Bronze Simple 2
Oscar Bronze Classic Standard
Oscar Bronze Classic PCP Saver Plus
Priority Health MyPriority Value Bronze
Providence Health Plan Connect 9200 Bronze
Scott & White BSW Vital Bronze HMO 0007
Scott & White BSW Vital Bronze HMO 0009
SelectHealth Signature Benchmark Bronze 8700
UnitedHealthcare Bronze Value
UnitedHealthcare Bronze Standard
UPMC Advantage Bronze $6700/$0
UPMC VirtualCare Bronze
Vantage Bronze Savings 7050
Wellpoint Essential Bronze 7500 Standard
Wellpoint Essential Bronze 4000 HSA


Example Of Tax Credit That Helps Reduce Healthcare Premiums

Here's a quick example: Assume you and your spouse are 55 years old and you have two children in the household. You reside in Peoria County (Illinois) and your approximate household income is $105,000. Since you are not eligible for a subsidy, the unsubsidized monthly premium of the least expensive plans cost $1,862 (BCBS Blue Precision Bronze HMO 205) and $2,150 (Health Alliance POS HSA 6750 Elite Bronze). The least expensive Silver-tier plan (Blue Precision Silver HMO 206) costs $2,305 per month.

However, if the household income is only $90,000, the monthly premium of the BCBS Blue Precision Bronze HMO 205 option plummets to $5, with the help of a subsidy worth more than $23,000 per year. The cost of the Blue Precision Silver HMO 206 plan reduces to $309 per month. The qualification of federal assistance has a huge impact on the price you pay. But if your income changes, it is imperative to recalculate your subsidy to avoid a massive tax bill. Conversely, a substantial reduction in income could also lower your premium by hundreds of dollars each month.

Naturally, there are many different scenarios involving four different plan options (Bronze, Silver, Gold and Platinum). The least expensive plan (Bronze) has higher potential costs if you have a large claim, while a Platinum-tier policy will minimize your deductibles, copays, and coinsurance, but also raise the premium. Often, the "sweet spot" of coverage is a plan with moderate office visit copays ($30 for pcp and $60 for specialists) and a mid-range deductible ($3500-$5,000). For healthy families with multiple children, a combination of high deductibles ($5,000-$8,700) and lower office visit copays ($10-$25) can be very cost-effective.

We help you review and understand all options in your area, subsidies, tax breaks, and how it impacts the price you pay for your medical coverage. Any changes implemented by the current Administration are also reviewed, so you can take advantage of more flexible options. We also do what we do best. And that's find the lowest health insurance Exchange prices in your area. The Marketplace was created to provide subsidized plans for low and middle-income consumers. For upper-income households, affordable policies are also offered.

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