Compare free health insurance quotes, view the cheapest individual available rates, and apply for the best medical plans without paying any fees. We ensure you can review policies in your area, at the lowest prices in the shortest period of time. Whether it's during Open Enrollment, or after you missed the Marketplace deadline, we get you covered quickly. Typically, signing up for a plan takes less than 20 minutes. You can quickly determine if your doctors or specialists are participating in local networks, and calculate how much you will save on prescription drug benefits.
You probably understand the importance of obtaining a price comparison before purchasing car or life coverage, and it is also important to obtain health insurance quotes from reputable and reliable sources. Regardless if you are currently without coverage, or feel as if you are paying too much for your current policy, a quick and easy review can help you get what you need, without paying more than you should. If you qualify for a federal subsidy, instantly, your Exchange plan premium will reduce as the tax credit is instantly applied. 2023 subsidies have substantially increased from last year.
We make it easy to get health insurance quotes without phone calls. Personal information is not needed, and there are no accounts to create. All of our online tools are free, including formulary prescription drug lists, provider network lookup links, federal subsidy credit calculators, and streamlined online enrollment. If needed, you can contact us by phone or email. Additional free tools allow you to compare Senior Medicare options in your area, including Part D prescription drug plans, Medicare Advantage contracts, and supplement contracts. An annual Open Enrollment period provides a window to change plans (for most applicants) regardless of health conditions.
Lower-income households may qualify for CHIP or Medicaid. Many 2024 Medigap plans have no (or limited) doctor or network restrictions. "Dual" plans often provide low or $0 copays on doctor visits, Urgent Care visits, and trips to the ER. Major carriers, including UnitedHealthcare, Kaiser, AARP, Blue Cross, Cigna, and Aetna offer these types of plans. Maximum out-of-pocket expenses are often low on these types of contracts.
If you have reached age 65 and are eligible for Medicare benefits, comparing affordable Medigap plans is simplified. Advantage and Supplement policies may be very cost-effective in reducing your out-of-pocket expenses. And although MedSup contracts are standardized, prices will vary. Part D prescription drug coverage is included in many Advantage contracts. It can also be purchased separately when you enroll in a Medicare Supplement plan. Typically, many local pharmacies are included in a network. Prescriptions can often be mail-ordered if 90 days of benefits are needed. Selecting the mail-order option can save hundreds of dollars each month.
Also, our comparison shopping (under-65) should help you find better coverage and prices, than searching different websites yourself. With our modern quote engines available, viewing your options is now quicker and more accurate. If the carrier makes a change to benefits or the price they charge, it is automatically applied and typically shows up the next business day. That's one of the purposes of this website -- to provide the most accurate online offers from each of the top insurers, and simplify the enrollment process. Whether you need coverage for a few months or many years, we can help.
Do More With Quotes
There are hundreds of available medical policies in every state. Each of these plans will have its own advantages and disadvantages, and some may be better than others. We carefully show you the differences between, Platinum, Gold, Silver, and Bronze options, so you do not waste money on coverage that you aren’t using. Low-cost catastrophic policies can also be purchased if you are under age 30 or can not afford other Marketplace plans. Preventive benefits continue to be covered at 100%. This includes routine annual physicals, OBGYN visits, mammograms, and colonoscopies. In-network visits may be required to eliminate applicable copays and deductibles.
You must prove "financial hardship," which is determined by your household income and the number of dependents. Also, many Bronze-tier options are actually less expensive than catastrophic contracts, and offer better office visit and prescription coverage. Urgent Care and specialist visits may not have to meet a deductible, and it's possible that non-generic prescriptions may be subject to only a copay. However, typically, most Bronze-tier plans require a deductible to be met for ER visits.
Affordable Care Act (ACA) plans are much different than pre-2014 options and the accurate calculation of your subsidy is critical. It's "free money" that is designed to help you pay the premium regardless of any existing conditions. If correctly calculated, these funds are not taxable, and never have to paid back. However, if your income substantially increases during the calendar year, you may have to adjust your subsidy level. If you reach age 65 or become eligible for Medicare or Medicaid, a subsidy may no longer be available. However, it can be regained if there is a change in eligibility.
HSA contributions also may not be allowed, although accumulated funds can be used for qualified expenses. Medicare coverage premiums can not be paid from an HSA. However, covered expenses include Medicare Part B, Part D, and Medicare Advantage plan coinsurance, copays, and deductibles. For 2024, contribution limits (under age 65) are $4,150 for individuals and $8,300 for families.
Least Expensive Types Of Plans
"High-Deductible" plans (some qualify as "HSAs) are often the cheapest type of medical coverage that can be purchased. And although these contracts are very economical, there are several benefits that were not previously included in this type of option (such as pregnancy, mental health and substance abuse). An optional tax-deferred savings element is offered with HSA-eligible options.
The additional account works like a Bank savings account and pays a nominal amount of interest while you wait to disperse the funds. You can select the amount of investment risk when choosing fund allocations. Investment allocations and choices can be adjusted to match the risk you are willing to take. You can also select a fixed interest rate, that may be guaranteed, but will also fluctuate. Currently, rates are fairly high, although they are gradually reducing.
Several deductible and contribution options are offered, although the $8,050 (maximum HSA contribution allowed) and $6,000 choices are the most popular. An additional $1,000 of "catch-up" contributions are permitted for persons that have reached age 55. This type of policy is very appropriate when you feel you will probably not meet your deductible during the year, and you have no impending major medical expenses.
It's a great opportunity to gain more control over your healthcare expenditures and save money, and we make it easy to purchase an HSA plan online. There are no costs or fees associated with the insurance portion, although the HSA contract will typically charge a monthly administrative fee of about $3. Several banks may charge extra for excess transactions.
Several of the most popular 2024 HSA options in the US are listed below.
Kaiser Bronze 60 HDHP HMO
Kaiser Bronze 6500/40%/HSA
Kaiser Bronze 7000 Ded/HSA/Vision
Kaiser Bronze 7200/0%/HSA/Vision
Aetna CVS Health Bronze 2 HSA
Blue Cross Bronze 60 HDHP
Health Net Bronze 60 HDHP Ambetter PPO
ConnectiCare Choice Bronze Standard POS HSA
Florida Blue BlueSelect Bronze HSA
HealthFirst Bronze HSA
CareSource Marketplace HSA Eligible Bronze
Ambetter Choice Bronze HSA
Anthem Bronze Pathway X Guided Access HMO 0% For HSA
Anthem Bronze Pathway X 20% For HSA
UnitedHealthcare Bronze Value HSA
BCBS Of Illinois Blue Choice Preferred Bronze
BCBS Blue Saver 60/40/$6100
BCBS Premier PPO Bronze HSA
BCBS Of Texas Blue Advantage Bronze HMO 302
Health Alliance 2024 POS HSA 7100 Elite Bronze
CareFirst HSA Bronze $6,150
Priority Health MyPriority Value Bronze HSA
Medica WellFirst HSA-E HDHP 7450X
AmeriHealth IHC Bronze EPO HSA
Horizon Omnia Silver HSA
Capitol Blue Cross QHDHP 6400/0/50
Highmark my Direct Blue EPO Bronze 7100 HSA
LifeWise Essential Bronze HSA
Premera Blue Cross Preferred Bronze HSA EPO 6400
When you compare policies, it's also important to consider your eligibility for federal ACA tax subsidies. The impact on your premium can be substantial. We help you calculate the amount you are eligible for, which is directly related to your projected household income for the current year. The FPL (Federal Poverty Level) determines if you will receive an Obamacare subsidy and how much you will receive. It is possible to qualify for a subsidy the current year, and be ineligible the following year. IRS Premium Tax Form 8962 is used for the calculation and reporting of Obamacare tax credits. Form 1095-A must also be completed first. NOTE: If you were not covered under a qualified plan, the form does not need to be completed.
Since the amount of money you receive is based on your ESTIMATED earnings for that year (actually, Modified Adjusted Gross Income), it is possible that by the end of the year, you may have underestimated or overestimated your household income. If this occurs, your potential refund may be impacted the next year, with the appropriate adjustment made. Also, if a member in your household loses their job, or receives a large salary increase, the subsidy should be adjusted. You can request a change at any time throughout the year. A licensed broker can easily make the change for you, and explain the impact of a changing subsidy.
The American Rescue Plan (ARP) from two years ago provided substantially-increased subsidies to applicants receiving unemployment benefits for at least one week. Section 9663 provided the opportunity to enroll in a Silver-tier plan with a $0 premium. Cost-sharing reductions reduced the actuarial value to 94% and income above 133% of the poverty level was disregarded. $0 benchmark premium plans were offered to persons with 150% of FPL (Federal Poverty Level) income. If "affordable employer-sponsored" benefits became available, the enhanced subsidies were no longer available. The family glitch was corrected in 2023. 2024 subsidies were increased to provide additional savings.
Simple Process
You’ll obtain coverage that actually helps you in your time of need, all from a simple quoting process. And you can eliminate some items (non-qualified plans) that you are likely not to use, which can potentially lower your cost. In most cases, these items can be added again at a later date, since Open Enrollment takes place annually. Some benefits, such as maternity, can not be removed unless you switch to a non-compliant policy. However, this could easily result in a large hospital bill, especially if complications occur. Once a newborn is delivered, he/she becomes immediately eligible for Marketplace coverage in all states under the "Special Enrollment Period" provision. After 60 days, a non-Exchange plan may have to be elected if a Marketplace plan was not chosen.
Your smoking status and age, as well as the city and state where you reside, will also affect your insurance rates. For non-compliant plans, individuals who do not smoke, have no pre-existing health conditions and are not overweight or obese, will pay the lowest prices for their coverage. These guidelines apply mainly to temporary plans that are not subject to the restrictions established by "The Affordable Care Act." Up to 12-36 months of temporary coverage can usually be purchased, although pre-existing conditions may not be covered, and maternity, mental illness treatment, and chiropractor visits may be limited or excluded. Qualified preventative benefits may also not be provided with no out-of-pocket expenses.
The Impact That Obamacare Had
Nine years ago, pre-existing conditions began to be covered on Exchange policies, and medical questions were no longer asked. Unless the law is overturned, the new underwriting guidelines will remain. The makeup of Congress often determines the direction of future healthcare legislation. However, we believe there will be tweaks and changes, but not the elimination of Obamacare. States may begin to have more control over the availability and customization of policies as new options are introduced. A "public option" and additional expansion of Medicaid or Medicare may also occur. However, most applicants will continue to choose an insurer instead of a government-owned option.
This doesn’t mean that you must pay excessive rates if you smoke or aren’t in the best of health, since you can no longer be declined because of pre-existing conditions. But for short-term plans, if you alter your diet and change other factors, an insurer will consider your rating classification and perhaps reduce your premium. "Preferred" classifications are now offered by several carriers. Allstate (previously National General) also features a generous discount if an applicant has prior coverage. Allstate, however, is not offered in as many states as UnitedHealthcare.
Carriers rarely offer the same rates, even for the same policy, and only with the best comparisons (reviewed by an experienced broker), will the best rates be found. And premiums do change, and policy specifics also can change. Persons who have been covered with a specific company for many years, may find a reputable company that can offer them a better price for outstanding coverage, far better than what they are currently getting. New carriers occasionally join the Marketplace and established insurers (UnitedHealthcare, Aetna, and Cigna) often return to states they originally offered coverage. Kaiser, historically, offers Marketplace coverage mainly in Western states.
Information will be learned during the process of an estimate. But you should never terminate an existing contract unless you have been approved by the carrier you applied with. And this approval should be in the form of an email or hard-copy letter from the underwriter, providing you the policy number and effective date. Marketplace/Exchange plans will generate an automated approval that is emailed or sent via mail. The amount of the subsidy, if applicable, will be clearly stated.
How to Obtain Information
There are several ways in which quotes can be obtained. As expected, online is one of the most common and quickest methods. If you have access to the internet, prices can be obtained any time 24 hours per day, 7 days per week after you provide a bit of basic information. Our website never goes to sleep or closes, and rates and carrier information is updated daily. You can view all available plans in your area and easily enroll in less than 20 minutes. Applications can also be submitted after the Open Enrollment period. A "Special Enrollment Period" exception is needed, and if approved, all available plans will be offered. Federal subsidies (via an instant tax credit) will be directly applied to the premium payment, and all plans will be available.
Some sites make it possible to get as many as 8 to 10 rates in just a few minutes (such as ours) and with only one simple form. Look for this type of site if you are looking to review several plans. But also utilize the broker that owns the website so you can take advantage of his/her experience. You can easily email, fax, text, or call them and get instant information. The quote engine on the website gives you comprehensive information that you may need expert assistance with. You may place family members with the same or different carrier than the applicant.
If you prefer, picking up the phone and calling companies directly can also result in a quote. Simply ask for rates and it shall be provided to you! Calling the health insurance company directly is perfect for those who do not want to use the Internet to take care of such business, as well as those who have questions they need immediate help with. But you won't be effectively shopping since only one carrier will be providing prices. Captive companies often don't offer the most competitive or flexible options, since may market segments aren't represented.
Our brokers can help you purchase coverage. You can find additional details here. Of course, there are no fees or cost when you utilize a broker and your service will last as long as you wish. There is never an obligation or cost. We will also help you re-calculate your expected federal subsidy each year, since it can potentially change as your income increases or decreases. If you become eligible for Medicaid, CHIP, or Medicare, the subsidy may not be offered. Senior Medigap plans are offered to Medicare-qualified applicants.
You can ask also ask unlimited questions during the process of obtaining an over the phone estimate directly from a single company. But often, checking online may be a better option since you are getting unbiased advice instead of information from only one company. And you can buy coverage without paying any fees or obligating yourself to the purchase of additional products.
Keeping Healthy
Medical benefits in place means you can always get the medical services that you need, anytime there is an an emergency, illness or accident presents itself in your life. Insurance greatly reduces the cost of doctor visits, medications, ER visits, lab work, surgery and so much more. Depending on the type of plan you have, you may just be paying small copays for small items and deductibles (and coinsurance) for major claims. However, it's easy to customize a policy that is ideal for your specific situation, regardless whether you have no medical issues or a chronic illness.
It is essential that you have a contract in place regardless of your gender, age or current health conditions. Be sure that you do have your policy in force, but not before you have taken the time to compare. With so many different and confusing benefits, it only makes sense to take a small amount of extra time to review companies, policies and rates.